Kia Sportage: Spot welding
1. Commercial spot welding machines do not perform
as well as the machines used in the manufacturing
process. When spot welding, increase the number
of spot welds by 30% (1.3 times the original number
of welds).

2. When spot welding, weld in the middle of the joint.

- Spot welding on the edge of the joint will reduce
welding strength.

Carbon arc welding
In areas where spot welding is not suitable, do plug
welding using a carbon arc welding machine.
1. Clamp the parts to be welded together tightly. Do not
exceed 1 mm of space between parts. A tolerance
greater than 1 mm will reduce the strength of the
welded area.

2. Weld in the middle of the flange joint.
- Drill a hole 5~6 mm on one side of the flange only,
and weld within the hole.

- Do not weld on the edge of the flange joint.

1. Body measurement
Before disassembling, measure the damaged area
according to the dimensions supplied in Body
Dimension, Section 31. If deformation is present,
use a frame str
Preparation for assembly
1. Spot weld finish
Use a disk grinder or similar tool to finish spot weld
mark. Do not grind more than is necessary to smooth
2. Panel preparation
Repair any
1. Checking welding and fitting in advance
When assembling a new part, measure the
dimensions of each part according to the body
dimensions given in Section 31, and set part to the
Observe the following tips when welding.
1. Wear appropriate eye protection.
2. Carefully follow the manufacturers operating
instructions for the welding machine you are using.
3. Do not weld, smoke or allow open flames around
volatile chemicals, cleaners or solvents or in any
area where t
Description and Operation
The valve body is essential to automatic transaxle control and consists of
various valves used to control the oil feed
from the oil pump. Specifically, these valves consist of pressure regulator
valves, oil redirection valves, shift valves,
and man